Note: At this time, Boston Terrier Forums only supports videos that have been previously uploaded to either YouTube or Google Video. Uploading video to both of these sites is completely free and enables you to share your video all over the web.

Here are the four steps required to post video on Boston Terrier Forums:
  1. To post a new video, be sure you're in the Videos forum.
  2. Create a new post like you normally would.
  3. When you're ready to add in your video, just click on the appropriate icon in the message editor for the type of video you're uploading (YouTube vs. Google Video).
  4. Paste in the URL to the video between the resulting tags
Click here to enlarge

Here's an example of what it looks like when you're done:
Chloe and I playing Frisbee in the back yard

Note that you have to click the "play" button for the video to start playing!

Have fun!